Wes' Issues
Common Sense Conservative Values
As the father of five young children, Wes is committed to protecting traditional conservative values and pushing back against the liberal social agenda. He is pro-life, pro-law enforcement, against liberal indoctrination in our schools, and will always defend our 2nd Amendment rights.
Fighting Illegal Immigration
Although the Federal Government is primarily responsible for immigration policy, Wes believes South Carolina should be a leader in stopping the flow of illegal immigration into our country. He supports the 287(g) program, which allows local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws and the E-Verify system that requires employers to screen against hiring illegal aliens. Wes also helped create a new division within the State Law Enforcement Division to specifically target illegal immigration and helped pass a pending Constitutional Amendment to ensure that only American citizens have the right to vote.
Lower Taxes, More Accountability
Wes has helped enact over $2 billion in tax relief for South Carolina families and has fought against every proposed tax increase. He led the fight to ban secret earmarks because taxpayers deserve to know how every last penny of their money is spent. He is fighting to eliminate the state income tax altogether.
Fix Our Roads
As one of the fastest growing communities in the nation, York County needs significant investment in our roads and bridges. Wes believes the legislature should focus more on core functions of government – like roads and bridges – and much less on frivolous pork. Wes successfully passed legislation to provide York County with its fair share of local road dollars (C-Funds), helped secure over $75 million for local interstate improvements, and supported budget provisions that have seen annual road funding increase by over 500% in recent years, including over $500 million in the most recent state budget.
Improve Education
Wes Climer supports increasing teacher pay and funding for School Resource Officers. He worked to eliminate many unnecessary standardized tests that burden teachers and students. He believes every parent, regardless of income, should be able to send their
children to the school that best suits their needs, whether traditional public school, charter school, home school, or private school.
Enact Term Limits
Wes believes that government is not a place for career politicians and that a public servant is there to do just that – serve the public. That’s why Wes wants to enact term limits on elected officials to hold government more accountable.